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Dermaplaning Before and After: Your Guide to Smoother, Brighter Skin

Let’s start by addressing a big misconception: No, dermaplaning won’t make your peach fuzz grow back thicker or darker! This is a worry for many, but it’s simply not true. Now, let’s dive into what dermaplaning really is…

dermablading before and after

Imagine a treatment that instantly unveils a smoother, more radiant complexion. That’s what microplaning offers! It’s a gentle method of exfoliation that goes beyond the typical scrub. Using a special tool, a skilled technician carefully removes dead skin cells and that annoying peach fuzz. It’s like giving your skin a fresh start.

Dermaplaning Before and After: What to Expect

Before Dermaplaning:

Your skin might feel a bit rough, maybe a little dull, and those fine hairs can cast tiny shadows. Blemishes, hyperpigmentation, and even fine lines might seem more noticeable because of the uneven texture.

After Dermaplaning:

Get ready for the big reveal! With that top layer of buildup gently removed, your skin feels baby-soft. It looks brighter, almost like you’re glowing from within. Products sink in effortlessly, and your makeup? It’ll glide on like a dream!

The Transformation:

I know you want proof, and trust me, the results are amazing. Take a peek at these dermaplaning before and after photos.

dermaplaning acne before and after
dermaplaning before and after

See that difference? That could be you!

The Benefits of Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning isn’t just about instantly smoother skin (although, let’s be honest, that’s a pretty awesome perk!). This treatment has a whole range of benefits that will make you a believer.

Beyond Smoothness: Sure, baby-smooth skin is fantastic, but microplaning helps tackle other concerns too. It can lessen the appearance of hyperpigmentation, soften fine lines, and minimize the look of pores by removing that buildup that can exaggerate them.

Product Power-Up: Imagine your favorite serums and moisturizers suddenly working twice as well! With that layer of dead skin and fuzz gone, your skincare products absorb better, delivering their benefits deep within your skin.

Who Can Benefit? Good news: dermaplaning is suitable for most skin types! However, if you have active acne breakouts or very sensitive skin, it’s best to consult with a dermatologist or esthetician first.

Is Dermaplaning Safe? When performed by a qualified professional. They use a sterile blade and a specific technique, making it a safe and effective treatment. Just make sure to find someone experienced and reputable for the best results and to minimize any risk of irritation.

How Does Dermaplaning Work?

People often think dermaplaning is just shaving your face, but there’s more to it than that! Here’s the breakdown:

The Process:

A skilled professional (think dermatologist or esthetician) uses a special, sterile surgical blade. They hold it at a precise angle and gently stroke it across your skin, carefully removing dead skin cells and peach fuzz. It’s painless, and most people describe it as a light scraping sensation.

Professional vs. At-Home:

You might find at-home microplaning tools, and while they can offer some exfoliation, it’s not the same as a professional treatment. A qualified provider has the experience and skill to get the best, safest results – so if you want the maximum glow-up, go pro!

The Hair Myth:

Let’s put this worry to rest once and for all: dermaplaning does NOT make your hair grow back thicker or darker. Since you’re simply cutting the hair off at the skin level, it doesn’t affect the root or change the hair’s natural growth cycle.

Dermaplaning Aftercare: Protecting Your Glow

Gentle is Key:

Your freshly dermaplaned skin is like a newborn – treat it with extra care! Avoid harsh cleansers, scrubs, or any active ingredients like retinol for a few days. Stick to a soothing cleanser, hydrating moisturizer, and don’t forget the most important ingredient…

Sunscreen, Sunscreen, Sunscreen! Your skin is a bit more sensitive to the sun right after dermaplaning. Make sure to slather on a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every day, even if it’s cloudy. This will help prevent sun damage and keep that glow going strong.

Hydration Station:

Help your skin recover with ample moisture. Look for hydrating products with ingredients like hyaluronic acid to plump things up. A soothing face mask is a great way to give your skin some extra TLC!

How Long Does It Last? Dermaplaning results aren’t permanent, but they do stick around for a few weeks. Most people see the peak benefits for about three to four weeks. After that, you can schedule another treatment to maintain that smoothness.

Everything Else You Need to Know About Dermaplaning

How Much Does Dermaplaning Cost? The price can vary depending on location and the provider, but you can generally expect to pay anywhere from $75-$200 for a professional epiblading treatment. Some spas and clinics may offer add-ons like masks or light therapy for an additional cost.

dermaplaning acne scars before and after

Dermaplaning for Acne Scars: Can it help? It depends. dermaplane can improve the appearance of mild acne scarring by smoothing the skin’s texture. However, for deeper scars, you might need more intensive treatments like laser resurfacing. It’s best to consult a dermatologist for personalized advice.

Dermaplaning Before a Wedding: Great idea! Many brides choose dermaplane a few days before their big event. It creates the perfect canvas for flawless makeup application and gives you that extra radiant glow in all your photos.

dermaplaning facial before and after

Can I Do Dermaplaning While Pregnant? While dermaplaning itself is safe, most professionals advise against it during pregnancy. Hormonal changes can make your skin more sensitive, and it’s best to steer clear of anything that could cause irritation. But hey, you’ll have that natural pregnancy glow anyway!

Finding the Right Dermaplaning Provider

Don’t make the mistake of trusting your beautiful face to just anyone! After all, finding the right provider can make all the difference in ensuring the safest, most effective dermaplaning treatment. So, here’s what you need to look for:

Why It Matters: A skilled professional understands the nuances of dermaplaning. They’ll work with your skin type, concerns, and use the proper technique to maximize your results and minimize any potential irritation.

Where to Look: Start your search by focusing on qualified experts:

Dermatologists: Skin experts first and foremost!

Licensed Estheticians: Trained in skincare procedures like dermaplaning.

Reputable Med Spas: Look for spas that specialize in skincare treatments and have positive reviews.

Bonus Tip: Use search terms like “dermaplaning near me” to find local options. Check out the providers’ websites, read reviews, and don’t hesitate to ask about their experience and qualifications with dermaplaning.


If you’re looking for an immediate solution, dermaplaning is worth considering. Not only does it reveal smoother, brighter, more radiant skin, but it also helps your skincare products work better and provides a flawless base for makeup. In other words, think of it as the ultimate reset button for your complexion!

Ready to give it a try? Take the first step and research qualified providers in your area. Schedule your appointment, and get ready to say hello to your most gorgeous, glowing skin!

Call to Action: Have you experienced dermaplaning? Share your before and after stories in the comments below! Let’s inspire others to try this amazing treatment.

Here is my other article on How Long Does Brow Lamination Last? If you want, you can read it too.

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